<![CDATA[처음-영어강좌VOD]]> http://itv.yeosu.go.kr ko 처음 Sat, 15 Feb 2025 22:07:20 +0900 총무과<![CDATA[영어강좌 60강]]>
Lesson 60강 Get 4. Get + 형용사 ⇒ 변화하는 과정을 강조한답니다. I'm tired. I get tired He is excited at soccer games. He gets excited at soccer games. I get angry. I'm getting angry fat / lazy old / goosbumps I'ts getting colder and colder day and day worse better older We're getting close. ]]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:45:39 +0900
총무과<![CDATA[영어강좌 제59강]]>
Lesson 59강 Get 3. 1. 물건을 사다 I't looks gorgeous. Where did you get your ring ? I got it at Neimanmarcus Buy one, Get one free 2. 길 or 교통수단을 물을 때.. How can I get to the City Hall ? The Ocean Resort. How do you get to work ? I usually get to work by bus. on foot. 3. 권유할 때 Let's get ! Let's get to work ! start sleep Let's get serious. Get out ]]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:40:41 +0900
총무과<![CDATA[영어강좌 58강]]>
Lesson 58강 Get 2. 1. 뭔가를 시킬때도 Get ! Get me something to eat. some coffee Get the phone your coat. your hair cut. 2. 물건, 사람을 데려 올 때도 Get ! Hello, Can I speak to Ann ? Hold on. I'll get her. 3. 공손한 명령 Get out ! ]]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:39:00 +0900
총무과<![CDATA[영어강좌 57강]]>
Lesson 57강 Get 1. 1. 갖다.... 받다.... I got tickets for The Ocean resort. a) Did you get my letter ? b) Yes, I got it. Not yet. a) Do you understand Did you get it ? You're get it. Got it ? b) I got it Episode A: Let's wrap it up and go home. B: Already ? Night is still young ! ]]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:36:06 +0900
총무과<![CDATA[영어강좌 56강]]>
Lesson 56강 A : You're quite a stranger. How have you been ? B : Not bad. Hang in there Managing Awful I'm under the weather C0uldn't be better Perfect ! Can't complain Tomorrow is another day. Episode A: I loaned some money to Tom. B: You did what ? You idiot ! He is a fly-by-night ! ]]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:30:23 +0900