영어강좌 제15강
2008-04-17 18:14:34
15강) have의 여러 가지 표현
○ 신체적 특징을 가지고 있다.
  I have black hair
  She has a pretty nose.
              brown eyes.
             a scar on her face
             handsome  smile
○ hair → face → head
   →eyebrow→ nose →mouth
   →chin → cheek
○ neck → shoulder → arm
    → armpit → elbow → waist
    →bellybutton →hip→ thigh
    → knee→ ankle→ foot
○ finger→ fingernail
    toe →toenail
○ thumb→ indexfinger
     middlefinger→ ringfinger
     → pinky→ palm
○ forehead  → fingerprint
15강) have의 여러 가지 표현
○ 신체적 특징을 가지고 있다.
  I have black hair
  She has a pretty nose.
              brown eyes.
             a scar on her face
             handsome  smile
○ hair → face → head
   →eyebrow→ nose →mouth
   →chin → cheek
○ neck → shoulder → arm
    → armpit → elbow → waist
    →bellybutton →hip→ thigh
    → knee→ ankle→ foot
○ finger→ fingernail
    toe →toenail
○ thumb→ indexfinger
     middlefinger→ ringfinger
     → pinky→ palm
○ forehead  → fingerprint
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